I kept thinking about the similarities between my own family narrative and yours.
The footage is powerful and the narrative is meaningful. As an anthropologist, I would happily show this film in my courses about race and the Caribbean.
Amelia Moore, Anthropoligist
What a great film. It brought up so many stories from my own family’s history. I can’t wait for the final version to come out
Friend’s comment after a rough screening
This is such an excellent and thought-provoking film.
Merilyn Simonds
One time a friend at a craft show in Eugene, came over to my booth after a customer was bargaining with me over a flute. This friend had a booth near by. He was a Jeweller. He had made our wedding rings the year before.
He said to me “Did he try to Jew you down on the price?”. I said “He tried, but failed because I’m Jewish”. He looked stunned, mumbled “sorry”, and walked away. 20 minutes later he came back filled with remorse and apologised. We had a deep conversation and our friendship went to a new level.
Peter Ross
Powerful. Very very powerful. Beautiful. Loving tribute. Honest. Deep.
Peri Smilow
it was a great evening full of ideas and passion for your film. as you say, if a film can evoke all of that, it’s great, meaningful and important.
Carol Romano
Hi Derek,
It was a real treat to see your film. I found it engrossing and wonderful. And SOOO well edited. Beautiful!! The nuances of the editing…that isn’t easy. Beautiful work!!!!
Filmmaker Caren Cross, Reel Docs, San Miguel de Allende
“…it’s such an intimate portrait of you also and shows your depth and many facets as a person. And your kindness and expansiveness. Stunning in its honesty.”
Tandy Martin
“ my grandparents were good people and lived in Alabama and were racist as hell – though I don’t remember it being a real topic of conversation. My parents were world travelers – first college graduates for both families since before the civil war – prided themselves on being not racist like their family – but would not have been happy if I had dated a black man…now myself, I consider myself not racist, but I’m aware that there are cultural lines, if only because my black friends face prejudices that I can not really understand or appreciate completely.”
Jeniffer Primrose, Feb 18, 2016